photo Felipe Cvitanich
Duo Discus
3605 pts.
CLUB photo Roman Mraček
Czech Republic
Std. Cirrus
3945 pts.
15M photo Sebastjan Ramšak
Discus 2C/15m
3772 pts.
OPEN photo Wolfgang Janowitsch
Ventus 2C/18m
4044 pts.

FAI International Pilots Rankings


















Hotel Olympia

Penzion U Krba



Epilogue28th Sep
Competition15th Apr 14th Apr 13th Apr 12th Apr 11th Apr 10th Apr 9th Apr 8th Apr 7th Apr
Training week6th Apr 3rd Apr
Preparations5th Feb 10th Jan


Competition - 8th Apr 2012

2012-04-08 18:28:46

 All gliders are accounted for today. 

2012-04-08 16:41:43

Arrivals Day 1

Club: 37, DM, IF, LL, V5, VS, HWG, B, UX, E9, MB, ZAR, DC, FL

15m: 19, CP, D9, DI, ECC, EK, EY, HC, CH, KX, NF, PB, SI, BS, GI, RS, KG, IR

20m: 1W, K2, RA, DD, WD, KA, 007, P2, NIT, GF

Open: 10, 4A, A1, BT, DC, DT, HD, IE, JR, KOS, LA, LF, LR1, MM, MU, PES, PL, RSI, UC, WO, ZB, ZF, IM, I, 3B, ZP, AT, 2C, PM, GE, MO, LAI

2012-04-08 16:40:24

Outlandings Day 1

Club: 101, SN, OE, 30, AF, AW, BER, E, FK, GJ, LX, LZ, R5, TL, V5, XII

15m: JB, LOT, ML, SW, VI, WZ, 6H,



2012-04-08 16:36:56

KOS, UC, 1E, MO, ZF, LL, HC and VD home

2012-04-08 16:25:11

More gliders on final PL, WO, LA, 10, PD, RSI, RA, PES, 37, SI and ZB.

2012-04-08 16:15:27

CH outlanded right before the airfield. IF and 1W 10 km.

2012-04-08 16:05:06

First one from the open class A1 10 km.

2012-04-08 15:51:17

NF, DD and K2 are home.

2012-04-08 15:26:48

KX 5 km. The weather situation looks quite satisfying on the north, southeast and south. There are still cumulus clouds visible. Snow showers appeared on the west part of Slovakia. The average wind is 10 mps.

2012-04-08 15:07:37

We have first glider home who was able to complete the task. ECC from the 15m class.

2012-04-08 14:44:05

First outlandings have been reported: SN, ML and SV.

2012-04-08 13:44:17

The situation looks very promising so far, no outlandings have been reported.

2012-04-08 12:31:59

All gliders are in the air. Now it is time for pilots to fight with the wind and  for the crew to find a way to unfreeze.  

2012-04-08 11:33:59

Starts has just begun. The sky is full of cumulus clouds and it looks good for competing. Check out the webcam. The wind is strong and it is cold outside though.

2012-04-08 11:08:29

Blanik above the airfield reports 1,5 - 2,0 m/s thermal. There is no reason to wait anymore. Starts are confirmed to 11:30. Be ready!

2012-04-08 10:38:10

It is shortly after the briefing and the weather looks even from the ground very satisfying. Pilots received 260 to 311 km long racing tasks. The cold wind is complicating the situation but we believe in our pilots to be able to complete the task;) Launching is planned for 11:30 loc.

2012-04-08 08:21:40

First start is planned for 11:30 so get ready pilots :) Runway in use is 33.

2012-04-08 07:34:53

Good Morning!

The sky is blue and the sun is shining. It is quite cold outside and the northern wind is already blowing.  We will see what the weather situation will bring us today but we always hope for the best. RUNWAY in use is 33. Briefing will be held in hangar at 10:00.